I remember the first day I met you in first grade. We fought over the desk we both wanted to sit in. You squeezed your narrow butt in it first. That was the first time we got in trouble together. Little did did I know we were friends forever and good fun trouble soon followed.
I remember my first year in SYS Bartlett football were I lost a starting position, because we couldn’t quit laughing at every practice and nothing was taken seriously because neither one of us knew the football plays. If we did get called to run a play the coach was on our tails because we never knew what to do. Along with several miles ran around that Bartlett Park practice field for not paying attention. A lot of laughing and making fun.
I remember all my elementary, middle, and high school days with you. Even more laughs. I remember being an Altruria Tiger and going to the office with my best friend for the first time. Laughing!
I remember rolling (teepeeing) my now wife’s cousins house across the street from you and how mad you would get if you got rolled. Little did I know I was going to marry that pretty girl hanging across the street.
I remember Shadowlawn Middle days. Too much trouble. That school really messed up putting you, Shane, and me in the same 8th grade Class. We had a little friendly competition on who could go to the principals office the most. Once again I lost 13 to 9. Shane would cry if he thought the teacher would call his dad if he got in trouble with us. Once again laughing even in Principal Mr. Finley’s office.
I remember riding our bikes to Elmore Park to watch the cheerleaders. You saw Jenny for the first time and we friended and introduced Carrie and the Norvell’s to the neighborhood. Good times at Carrie’s house. Again. Big. Fun. Laughs. As we tore her house apart. Keep taking pics Care Bear. You’ve caught a lot of moments with those cameras.
I remember way too many High School days. At school loaded with fun characters and the football practices where we decorated people’s football helmets putting twigs and sticks in the holes of the top of players football helmets so when the coach called them out for a play. Coach Harrington and others would lose it as he looked at that special Mohawk that player was sporting looking all dedicated for the starting lineup position. We made some master pieces. They looked ridiculous and we again laughing!
I remember you squatting down to pick up the leg press machine weights in the Bartlett weight room just to see you sit on Coach Starks face while he was laying down bench pressing 95 pound dumb bells. I couldn’t run out of the weight room fast enough to see you dying laughing as you ran out too as a 45 lb weight was whizzed across the room with some very strong choice words from Coach Stark. Again. crazy. hard. laughing. That one made my stomach hurt.
I miss having a football locker next to you where we would be laughing so hard before a game that Coach Stark would come out RAGING because our lockers were next to the coaches office and he could hear us playing around while eating cookies we took from the team dinner Ryan’s Steakhouse. Pregame snack. Coach Stark would get so mad cause we would get ice cream and cookies at team dinner before games. We thought who cares. We weren’t starting as sophmores anyway. Again laughing and getting game time ready. We did play on Bartlett’s Panthers first undefeated team and had the team ready.
I remember our trips to Kentucky Lake with you, me, and Walker and the mooning of the school bus as we passed by it on the Interstate. The uncontrollable laughing that insued as the faces of the teenagers on that bus we’re laughing just as hard.
I remember you jumping off a 30-40 foot cliff with an Olympic style swan dive into the depth of Kentucky Lake hoping you would pop back up because we didn’t know how deep or shallow the lake was at that particular spot. Again. crazy. Fun.
I remember all the spray painted master pieces we spray painted under the bridge of the railroad tracks. Good conversations for some well educated know it all young teenagers with big plans.
I remember driving with Jenny and Holly and placing a fresh turd under the seat of your car while you were at work, and chasing me around the school parking lot the next day at school when you found it. Me. LAUGHING BIG TIME. You stinky boy in stinky car.
I remember my first dip. Got sick. Never dipped again. You laughing at me for turning green.
I remember hanging at the bowling alley inside and behind the place. If you know what I mean. Again several several laughing moments and good $.30 cent Sunday morning bowling, along with the midnight bowling. The dances we came up with if you hit a strike. Too much fun and trash talking.
I remember the Spring River canoe trips. Those trips had too many laughs. Fred biting a snakes head off and tying the rest of the body around his neck as the blood drips down his chest. Special dude. Bay Watch Shane diving in the river to save a drowning upside down kayaker, with Lance later checking him and calling Shane Dutch Mantel with that hair on his back when he took his shirt off as he Hasseloffed himself into the fast free flowing current of the mighty Spring River while getting close to a 3 foot waterfall to save that special person.
I remember the Bahama trip when I swam too far out in the ocean, Cramping! and was trying to get your attention just for you to take your jet ski and wake splash my drowning self into a further cramp drowning panic moment. Not laughing!
I remember our car rides up and down the backroads listening to Metallica, and yes Lance One is the best Metallica song. Bunch of laughing and best of times.
I remember our times at our house in Frayser. Some more laughing moments while living in the hood.
I remember you and I beating up the West brothers at their house. Heath and Brad got served that day. Handled it once and for all and they know it.
I remember everything more and more as I know your gone. It hurts more now that I know I won’t see you again in this life. I feel better that Shane is up there taking care of you and pulling up a seat next to you to go over that long scroll of yours with the good lord that has been documented for 45 years. Shane please bust Lance in the arm as hard as you can for me, he deserves it. Followed up with a bear hug. I miss everything especially the uncontrollable hurt crying laughing from your stomach that hurts so bad and when you try to catch your breath. You look at each other again laughing, the laugh hurts even more no matter what you do you just can’t stop laughing. RIP LEC My Friend, My Brother. Pupaw and Mumaw what a wonderful son you raised and glad to be a part of it. I wouldn’t change a thing. My eyes are full of tears and it’s hard to keep writing. Your phone number will always stay in my phone. I‘ll still be waiting for you to call me back. Lance and Shane save me a sit in heaven between the both of you. I’m not ready to see you yet, but when it happens, I won’t be afraid because I know you two will be opening the gates for me. I’ll see you two again in another life.
Last thing I remember that loud a#% whistle that even the heavens can’t mute. Jesus’s ears are probably ringing.
Much love to Jenny, Lilly Bug, and Baby D and the Curtright’s . Lance will be missed more than you know. I can still remember your laugh.

The poop story is my favorite! Lance was so mad! But later he told me he was proud we pulled it off 🤩
You said it all! Memories we’ll have forever!